Sunday, January 27, 2013

3.2 Logarithmic Functions

Since the graph of an exponential function passes the horizontal line test, it must have an inverse.  The inverse of an exponential function is a logarithmic function.

The logarithmic equation can be read as "y equals the log base a of x".  This means that a to the yth power equals x.

Logarithms have properties:

if,  then

The following features of exponential graphs are the corresponding features of logarithmic graphs.

Exponential                                   Logarithmic
Horizontal Asymptote                   Vertical Asymptote
Y-Intercept                                    X-Intercept
Domain                                          Range
Range                                            Domain

ln x is log base "e", also called the natural log.  "e" is simply a number equaling 2.7182....etc. 

Logarithmic functions can be transformed.
-a vertically stretches the graph.
-b is the base.  The bigger the base, the slower the graph grows.  If the base is less than one, the graph     flips over the x- axis.  The base can't be negative.
-c shifts the graph left and right.
-d shifts the graph up and down.

Have fun!!!!

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