Sunday, January 27, 2013

3.1 Exponential Functions and Their Graphs

Hello all!
Over the chapters and through the tests, to Chapter Three we go...
To start out, let's be like Mr. Wilhelm and slip in some definitions. What are exponential and logarithmic functions? They are otherwise known as transcendental functions; they can't be expressed in terms of algebra.

An Exponential Function is denoted by;

0<a 1 and x is any real number.

For example purposes, the two functions we'll use are  and .

Note that as the base number gets larger, the graph increases more rapidly. (Sorry about the scale for the y-axis being different.)
So let's go over the basics for this find of function;
-The x-axis is the horizontal asymptote

But what happens if you do something crazy, like put -x as the exponent? Well, what a great question you have...
Let's use the same equations but make -x the exponent.

Woah! The graph goes the OPPOSITE way! Crazy! But the same general idea holds true; the larger the base, the more rapidly the graph decreases.
Just like regular algebra, a function with a negative exponent can be written as a fraction instead. For example;  can also be written as .
The basics for this kind of function are...
-The x-axis is the horizontal aymptote

What to do next...hmm...transforming the parent function sounds fun!

So many possibilities, let's go alphabetically.
When you change a, the graph has a vertical stretch(or compress depending on whether 1>a or a>1).
Changing b horizontally stretches/compresses the graph(unless you make it negative, in which case it flips over the x-axis).
If you were to change c, it would horizontally shift the graph left/right.
Lastly, the changing of d would result in a vertical shift of the graph.

Natural Base
We can't forget about our friend, e. This little guy is known as the natural base, and it's function is . This e is in fact an irrational number that is approximated to 2.71828... but luckily, your calculator should have this as a key so you don't have to type all of the number in. Just be sure you realize that e isn't a variable, e has value just like 1 and 2, just not as exact.You plug e into your calculator just like any other number.
As far as graphing functions of e, all of the ideas we already went over apply. Just instead of using a constant, put e in as the base. Everything else is the exact same.

Compound Interest
 This is fairly straightforward, as long as you know what the formulas and variables are. For n compoundings per year, the equation is  .
-A stands for balance in an account
-P is principal
-r means annual interest rate(expressed as a decimal)
-n is the number of compoundings per year
-t stands for the amount of time in years

For continuous compounding, the equation is .
The variables are all the same as in the previous formula, just don't forget that e is an actual number, NOT a variable.

I'm pretty sure that covers the section. If my post doesn't answer all of your questions, ask a buddy, be a book-licker or ask the all knowing, Mr.Wilhelm.

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